I love my collections and you love your collections, so why not display what you love? Bookcases are a great place to show them off! I think we can all agree that we love our kids and our kids artwork, (Thank you art teachers everywhere for what you do!) so hang your original kid art where everyone can see! Embrace it! Treasure it! Years from now you will miss these creations, Trust me! So hang them on the bookcase front and center!
Now not everyone has a root, pinecone, or stone collection but here at my house we actually have these things! We may or may not bring stones home from the beach in Nice, France or Pinecones from our hikes in Bavaria, or a cool root found in North Carolina. So now that we all know I have a love for the earthy souveneirs you may be wondering what in the world does she do with them?! I put them on my bookcase of course!
Here is another crazy idea… PUT BOOKS ON YOUR BOOKCASE! Pick yourself up off the floor! Seriously, some people actually still read books! For those of you who love a tablet to read drive over to Good Will and grab some good ol’ fashion books. You can thank me later. Books add interest and texture to the space. Want to get crafty? Paint the bindings a fun color or cover the books in white craft paper. Live on the edge! Wrap them up with an old belt (they have those at Good Will). It is a rainy day here in South Carolina and a good day to take everything off your bookcase and start fresh. Keep picture frames consistent and low. Keep collections together for more impact. Turn books on their side and display a treasured item on top. Then when you are done curl up and read!