I love the rebirth of nature in the Spring! Flowers, buds on the trees, grass, longer days, wearing white, and an excuse to go look at new shoes! Being in the south for more than half of my life, I have come to love dogwood trees, seersucker, azaleas, pimento cheese, sweet tea, and The Masters. Here are a few of my spring favorites!
‘Tis the season for seersucker suits and bow ties! My men are oozing with southern charm!
The Master’s golf tournament happens not far from us every April and it takes over the TV here at my house. My guys were able to go last year and anyone that has ever been talks about the beauty of the course! The South is known for it’s beautiful azaleas!
Second to the beauty of the Masters and the amazing golf is the pimento cheese sandwiches they serve there. I personally love pimento cheese on celery all year long!
One of my favorite things this spring is seeing Will planting the fields.