Have you ever bought a piece of furniture that looked great in the store, but not so much when you got home? Have you ever
looked at paint in the store and then hated it on your walls? Have you tried the easy DIY project on pintrest and failed at it? Have you looked at a room in your house and thought I can’t put this furniture any other way?
Well, guess what, you are not alone! Thats why its a good idea to hire a professional! I can help! Trust me, it is a lot more fun to get it right the first time and then to be proud of the finished project. It won’t be long before friends and family will be coming to town for the holidays. Now is the perfect time to give yourself a gift! Spend an hour with me and lets make you ready and excited to be a hostess this season. When you are comfortable in your home you can relax with family and friends!